Saturday, January 1, 2011


So, thanks to a quick google search, and KTLA 5, I was able to watch some of the parade LIVE this morning!!! If I had gotten up earlier, I would have been able to watch the entire thing live. But, as my eyes did not open until after 9am (partly because my husband had closed the door so all house/child noise was dulled, and because we have blinds that barely let any light in, not to mention staying up until almost 0100 because we were out at a new years party) I did not watch all of it live. But, thank goodness, the parade replays over and over and over again. So, I got to see my sky, my mountains, the marching bands, and listen to Stephanie and Bob narrate the entire thing. It did bother me that when the marching bands were playing (and Stephanie and Bob stopped talking for a minute) they muted the bands a bit and would have their 'the rose parade is brought to you commercial free by el pollo loco' or some other company. I wanted to listen to the bands!! But the El Pollo Loco killed me. What I would do for a decent fast food Mexican restaurant around here. Now, it is 1230, still in my pj's, I ate cookies and red vines for breakfast and lunch, and I need to get up and be productive. My husband started the dishwasher and cleaned off the counters while I watched the parade. I suppose I should take a shower now.....

Happy New Year!!!

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