Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wake up call

We were gone yesterday and today. We only took my husbands computer, and most of the time gone was spent driving, sleeping, or waiting around for him to transition, and then for him to cross the finish line.

I got home tonight, and checked my email. An old friend (a very good old friend) emailed me and said that my blog was not so fun to read. (she also said other things, this was just a part of it.)


And I realized, it really was not a fun blog to read. It's a sad little blog. And I'm really not such a sad person. I have all kinds of thoughts, and all kinds of things happen in my life, I just don't put much of them here. You want to know why? Because I'm scared. Scared that my crazy father in law will find me again, and start the whole crappy thing over again. So I've been cautious, hesitant. I feel like I'm still waiting for the next thing to happen, that I can't see, just around the next bend in the road.

But that is over with. Starting right now, things are going to change on this blog. I don't want a sad blog anymore.

Today, on our trip home from my husbands race today, I started and finished a book. Technically, I finished it once we were home, but I had less than 100 pages left, so that is close enough. I read The Help. I thought this book was great. I loved reading about the subject matter (black women that were maids to white women is Jacksonville, Mississippi during the 1960's). I really enjoy historical fiction. I feel like I learn so much more than I do when I read a history text book that spends a chapter on, say, the Civil Rights movement. And then I start thinking about what I would do if I had lived at that time, in those circumstances. What would I have done? My favorite part is the end, where the author tells why she wrote this story, and how personal it is for her.

Let me know if you read it. Or if you already have read it. Have to keep it fresh in my mind until book club next month. At this rate, I'll be done with all 12 books way before Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind if your blog is a bit sad. It's what you feel and that's okay with me. I read The Help. It was a great book and I loved it!
