Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Darn it

Not too long ago, I participated in this. It was so much fun! There was a group of girls from church that were on one team. We pretty much spent the entire day together.

I have learned over the last few years, to keep my mouth shut. I have opened it so many times when I shouldn't have, that sometimes I think I'm over compensating.

We went to dinner after our day of hunting. And someone brought up something that I did not agree with. I like all of the girls I was with. One or two of them slightly intimidate me, (which I am sure is totally on my end) and many times rather than try to disagree, however amicably, I just don't because I'm afraid of looking stupid. Or sounding stupid. And I really hate those feelings. So, I heard what was said. And rather than being very respectful and just stating that I don't agree with that, I just sat there. With my mouth full of crab ravioli. (which was darn good.) I was scared.

I am kicking myself for not saying anything.

It would have been so easy. All I had to do was just state my opinion, the reasons why, and leave it at that. I wasn't going to try and change their minds, or make them agree with me. Just state a different point of view, maybe give them something else to think about. And I just sat there chewing.

You want to know what it was?? One of these ladies knew someone who had told their children that they would only pay for their wedding reception if they got married in the temple. I have multiple problems with that. I see that more as withholding love. I also see it causing problems in the future between children. Not to mention that each child's situation is going to be very different. Then there are the issues with the future in laws....I could just keep going with this. While I do understand the motivation behind it (wanting that child to be married in the temple, a good thing), the fallout from it would not be worth it.

See, I did it there! Why can't I do it in real life? One of my new goals is to speak up!! And to do so respectfully. I will fail a few times, and I will have to keep trying. But man, if I don't try, I'll never learn how. And maybe go back to school so that I feel on the same playing field......

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