Monday, September 12, 2016


Day 7 prompt here.

My husband loves doing triathlons.  I don't understand it, but he loves it, so we support him.

A few years ago, we lived in Washington State.  Fort Lewis would sponsor three spring triathlons each summer, and my husband would try to do all three each summer.  We would get up super early, load bike and kids and stuff in the car (along with sweatshirts because it's Washington and cold even in the summer) and head up.  He would be super pumped, and would push himself the entire race.  He would usually be in the top 10-15 out of the water, and we would cheer!!

There were all types of people that would do the race. One year, there was one woman who was taking a long time to do the swim.  All the other swimmers were in.  One of the lifeguards was following her in a kayak as she slowly made her way to the finish.  My heart was breaking for her.  People around started to notice and to cheer her on.  She would backstroke, then free style, then backstroke again.  She was so tired.  The water was cold, and she didn't have a wet suit on.  More people started to notice.  The announcer on the mic started to cheer for her.  And she did it.  She finished the swim.  Everyone there was cheering her on as she made her way to the transition area.  I don't know how she did for the rest of the race.  I wish I had payed attention, but I was probably trying to keep my eyes on two busy kids that wouldn't stay in the same place for two seconds.

Slow and steady.  She finished.  She dug deep, and even though she was the last out of the water, she did it.  I've always remembered that.

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